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Staff Spotlight: Michael Hidalgo

"Staff Spotlight" is a series meant to highlight the important contributions of our staff to the college mission, and to introduce them to the entire college. This time we feature Burke Theater Technical Director and Facility Manager Michael Hidalgo.

Michael Hidalgo focusing theatrical lights

Michael Hidalgo
Job Title
Technical Director/Facilities Manager of Burke Theater
Job Duties
Teaching Stagecraft I, purchasing construction materials, supervising the building of the scenery, loading in the set from the scene shop to the stage, overseeing the work of the scenic crews during rehearsals and performances, and maintaining the scene shop’s equipment and supplies. Handle the day-to-day operations of Burke Theater such as rentals, building maintenance, and future improvements.
What do people think you do?
I.T. manager or something along those lines.
What do you actually do?
Answer some emails in the morning, put on some music and either build sets or clean and organize the scene shop/theatre.
How long have you worked for the University?, for the College of the Arts?
5 months.
What is your favorite part of your job?
Seeing how excited the students get when they build a scenic element, whether it’s something for class or a show, or when they learn a new tool.
What is your favorite time of the day or week?
There is no specific time of the day or week. Just moments when I stop working or take a moment from cleaning or building and see how far the space has come in such a short time.
What do you think is your most important contribution to your area or the college?
The willingness to do what must be done. Whether its lead a meeting, send out a doodle poll, make a form, etc. The little things that must happen to keep things moving forward.
What do you want the rest of the college to know about you?
When working on a task I have tendency to hyper-focus on it, which can come off as rude or uninterested. This was pointed out to me by a colleague once who thought I did not like them for the first few months of knowing me before realizing it’s just how I work.
What do you think that your co-workers would be surprised to learn about you?
I’ve pretty much worked in and around theater my whole life. From school plays starting at 3rd grade through high school, with a few gaps in there, all the way to my B.A., my M.F.A., and up to the present.
What is your favorite pastime or hobby?
Singing. While fun, it also works as a stress releasing agent for me.
Anything else you want to add to let us know you better?
Coming from California, I have noticed a distinct lack of chili. And if you know of any place that has a good chili cheeseburger, please let me know as it seems to be something unheard of here…though I pray I am wrong.