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Areté in the Arts

(formerly Wellness Wednesdays)




The College of the Arts’ Wellness Wednesdays initiative has been retitled Areté in the Arts.

Areté is excellence from within or the act of living as one’s best self. Areté in the Arts is a resource to help us become the best versions of ourselves. Our lives are multifaceted, so we strive to help each other become the best artists, friends, classmates, students, mentors and so on… that we can be!


Coming up:

Our first Areté in the Arts for the FA24 semester will be (back by popular demand) the Semester Success Workshop!

Was last semester overwhelming? Did things seem to pile up and you had no time for anything else? Do “Future You” a favor and come plan with us!

Hang out while we schedule our semesters together! Take a look at dates on your class syllabi and plug them in. Is there a giant project looming in the future that you’re worried about? Cut it down into bite sizes and plan how to tackle it.

Semester Success Workshop
CoA Areté in the Arts Series
Wednesday, September 4th
Two Time Options!
8-8:45 am
1-1:45 pm
Fletcher Hall
Student Resource Center (Rm 212)

We hope to see you there!



E-mail us with future topics or suggestions!