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Staff Spotlight: Linda Allen

Linda Allen Air Force Headshot"Staff Spotlight" is a series meant to highlight the important contributions of our staff to the college mission, and to introduce them to the entire college. This time we feature Linda Allen, Administrative Assistant III in the School of Architecture and Design.

Linda Allen
Job Title
Administrative Assistant III
Job Duties
Respond to requests for info; requesition supplies/services; correspondence; personnel action forms; transition hard copy records to electronic; records management and reference mail/materials and ensure confidentiality of information. Prep for meetings, transcribe minutes, maintain office binders for record; manage student workers, greet/assist office visitors, and answer phone calls and queries. Assign advisors to students, take care of anything I'm authorized to and make my supervisor's job less stressful.
What do people think you do?
Stop what I'm doing to answer their questions, but I don't mind. I like helping others.
What do you actually do?
Manage the SoAD front office.
How long have you worked for the University? For the College of the Arts?
[Since] Jan 10, 2022
What is your favorite part of your job?
Dealing with students
What is your favorite time of the day or week?
Start of the day, 7:30 am
What do you think is your most important contribution to your area or the college?
Coming to work on time, doing my job and being reliable.
What do you want the rest of the college to know about you?
I relocated from New Orleans back home to rual Mamou in 2016 to care for my elderly mother until she passed in 2018. I've raised four children: 36 yr old Teacher; 31 yr old Artist; 18 yr old Freshman (IT Major) and 17 yr old soon to be high school Senior. Three of the four are artists…mercy me. I'm retired with 30 yrs of federal govt and 20 Army Reserve service. I'm the youngest of farmers raised in a close knit creole community and the only one of five kids who didn't speak French.
What do you think that your co-workers would be surprised to learn about you?
Not sure.
What is your favorite pastime or hobby?
Gardening, reading, listening to podcasts and bike riding.
Anything else you want to add to let us know you better?
I like hearing about people's gardens.