The College of the Arts to host a lecture and performance by Jaim
Assistant Professor of Art History, Allison Leigh, Presents Research at National and International Conferences
Tue, 11/21/2017 - 12:56pmAllison Leigh (Assistant Professor of Art History, Department of Visual Arts) presented at three national and international conferences in the fall 2017 semester. At the first, entitled Séminaire International des Jeunes Dix-Huitièmistes: Cité et Citoyenneté des Lumières and held in Montreal, she presented “Hybrid Allegiances: Nationalist Rhetoric and Occidentalist Longing in Eighteenth-Century Russian Painting.” She then presented in New York on the provenance and reception of Kazimir Malevich's 'White on White Square' at the conference "America’s Seminal Red Scare: The United States and the Perception of the Russian Revolution Conference." Both papers will be published in conference proceedings anthologies in 2018. She also presented on two panels at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Convention in Chicago. She was invited to be the discussant for the panel 'Multiple Feminisms: Gender Roles and Expectations' and then delivered a paper entitled “Russian Occidentalism: Karl Briullov and Hybrid Identity in 1832” on the panel 'Trials of Self-Definition: 19th-Century Russian Art between Periphery and Perception.'