Printmaking Students Attend the 2015 Southern Graphics Council International Conference
Wed, 04/20/2016 - 11:15amOn March 30 - April 2nd, Professor Brian Kelly along with 5 of his printmaking students attended the 2016 Southern Graphics Council International Conference in Portland, Oregon. While at the conference Department of Visual Arts printmaking students attended printmaking workshops, lectures, exhibitions, presented their research and a UL Lafayette printmaking alumni reunion.
SGCI mission is to advance the professional standing of persons engaged in making original prints and drawings and to stimulate public appreciation and interest in the arts of printmaking, drawing, and other graphic media through the exchange of professional information among artists and others involved these arts. SGCI is the largest print organization in North America and its annual conference is the biggest annual gathering focused on the field of printmaking in the United States. Printmakers from all 50 states attend the conference along with regular international attendees come from Canada, South and Central America, and Europe.