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McLaurin Hall Undergoing Renovation

The long-awaited and much anticipated renovation of McLaurin Hall has begun! The renovation will improve bathroom and locker room facilities, improve upon existing Dance spaces, and expand or create new spaces for Theatre studio courses, to name just a few of the planned improvements. Construction crews began the process in mid-July.

During the renovation, the building will be closed to class and rehearsal usage. Faculty who normally have office space in McLaurin Hall will be located in Fletcher Hall room 232 for the duration of the renovation. The Performing Arts administrative assistant will also be located in Fletcher Hall in the Dean's suite. Classes and rehearsals will be moved to a variety of spaces both on and off campus. If you need to contact faculty who normally have office space in McLaurin Hall, please email them. If you have classes that are normally scheduled in McLaurin Hall, please double check your schedule for new classroom assignments.

Join us in looking forward to a more functional and welcoming McLaurin Hall!